My list of million things to do after finishing my dratted long-overdue thesis:

1. A lot of ME day. Even expensive ones. –> Mostly means eating and buying stuff. There will be days with family, too. 🙂

At Dads-Saisaki-Kamayan

2. Exhaust my stores of drama series, movies, variety shows, concerts etc. Watch til i drop. Or watch til I can’t stand my mother’s nagging  that I stare at my laptop way too much.

The Moon Embracing the Sun
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3. Raid my bookshelves. Lots of unread titles, pages waiting to breathe and to be breathed. **my poor eyes**

Murakami — some of the new books I wanna read

4. Revive my blogging… even about nonsense stuff. It will probably be only me who will read it. 🙂

5. Write fiction. Continue writing fiction. It’s therapeutic and tiring at the same time. It really gets my brain worked up. /
Get a good eye and spot gems… or     practice your skills with free reviews… or just have fun

6. Read more online fiction stuff. More of fanfiction. 😛

7. Go to Lucban grotto as promised


Kamay ni Jesus, Lucban, Quezon

8. Plan for vacations. I miss coordinating short vacations. Someone coming with me? 🙂

Top: Anawangin Cove
Bottom: Coron, Palawan
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9. Eat some more…

10. Jog some more, too. Find swimming lessons. Or photography lessons. Or whatever lesson there is… something fresh.

11. Barkada time. That Calaruega trip has been long delayed.

12. The list would go on…

XXX. Maybe shop for baby clothes and other baby thingies. OMG I cant believe it’s now part of the list.

So much for my messy list.

But I will surely do this all.